Hey everyone! Sorry I got behind but between school, work and going to Boston for the weekend (and no free wifi), I wasn't able to post but it should get back on track this week. I hope to finish my video games segment that I started since I don't have that many left. I will also do my fangirl friday (special edition) and thoughts on... feature for last week as well so all-in all I have a ton of catching up to do. Plus I hope to have up my part one of my PAX East experience out soon, so bear with me.
Its super late so I just wanted to put another blog up in the meantime.
What to look forward to:
Game of Thrones 4x02 Episode Review
My reminiscing on A Link to the Past, Jak & Daxter, Pokemon X and Super Mario Bros for FT
My thoughts on the Console Wars and how its portrayed in the media and through fans
My Friday feature: Geeking out over video games
My examination of the cultural phenomenon of conventions
My PAX East Recap...
and finally my regular Meltdown Monday (which probably will have to talk a lot about catching up on blogging)
I have off tomorrow and I finished my homework for last week in the nick of time (assignments turned in at 11:52pm and 11:58pm. They were due by 11:59pm. phew!) so I plan on blogging all day tomorrow. Also napping since I am dead tired after driving 12+ hours in the last 2 days. So see you guys tomorrow (yes, I know its 2am, but I'm still up so its not tomorrow for me yet).
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