Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Recap of Ice and Fire: Day 2 of Ice & Fire Con

Welcome back to my second part of my recap of my time at the Ice & Fire Convention May 16-18. I last left off after going to bed after many epic and hilarious rounds of Cards Against Westeros.

After breakfast, I got dressed in my Lyanna Stark  cosplay and headed for the boardgame tournament. I had no experience with the game at all. It was kind of intense, but the guys I played with were pretty patient and nice and the game ended up going pretty well. I even didn't come in dead last, which was nice as well. After this, was a nice packed lunch provided by the castle and then we all set off for the tournament.

The tournament was pretty cool, since almost everyone was dressed up and there were different competitions (foam melee battle and archery). It was really cool to watch everyone get into character and having a good time as well doing medieval-time things. Speaking of getting into character, there were some outright amazing costumes, from Illyrio Mopatis, to Fat Walda, to Lady Stoneheart and the "besties" Areo Hotah/Arys Oakheart.

Since seeing all of this stuff was inspiring me to start making my own costumes, it was fitting that there was a cosplay discussion right afterwards. There was a ton of insight and funny anecdote's from everyone. It inspired me to start working on a costume for future cons, since I've been wanting to make for for while no. Hopefully I can get started this weekend. Anyway, it was a really productive panel and it was nice to hear about all of the ups and downs, instead of just seeing the end result. Thid ended just before the costume contest and their were some awesome presentations from Khal Drogo and Oberyn Martell.

The we had our delicious feast, which had some great conversations and good food as well. Afterwards, we headed down to the pub for some drinks and to play some awesome trivia. It was incredibly difficult but surprisingly, I still remember some answers *cough Wendel Manderly*. It was really fun, but obviously everyone in the room got smoked by Team Manwoody, which consisted of Tower of the Hand and Podcast peeps.haha. After this came the Season 4 discussion, which was fairly civil, but I feel like we all mostly agreed on how we felt about the show's interpretation.

The final event of the night was the dance party. There were some awesome modern-day GOT characters like Flower-Child Tyrell, Party Rock Cersei and the Cheesemonger. Between these awesome costumes and everyone on Team Stag, there were tons of laughs to be had. the middle was pretty cool (shout out to Dead Ned, Lyanna and everyone else who "died" haha) Plus the awesome Red Wedding skit in Plus the afterparty was pretty cool, but I was exhausted so we ended up going to bed around 1am. Saturday was such a great day overall.

*Next up, Day 3 and final thoughts. Thanks for reading!*

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