Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Madness: Cosplay Edition

Despite my relief that my busy period was over, it seems I'm still doing a ton of stuff all at once. I'm working full time and attempting to also study for the psych and regular GREs. I'm also currently working on my first ever fully handmade cosplay, which is equally fun and challenging.

I will starting posting all of my progress pictures on here so, so I can see my process. Hopefully I can look back and see howfar I've come in my skills with making costumes. The costume I am currently making is a Weeping Angel from the show Doctor Who.

Don't Blink
When I first saw the episode, I thought they were absolutely terrifying. Imagine if the only way you can survive is to make sure you don't blink when you see them. Anyway I figured this would be a good first cosplay as it has equal elements of crafting and sewing. As of right now I'm done almost all of the crafting which, I'm excited about. So far I've had to make a wig, gloves, balaclava-type cover and wings.

It's so weird that the more I work on this project the more projects I want to do. My list so far includes: Princess Jasmine (of course!), Arianne Martell (asoiaf), Sarella Sand (asoiaf), Patty Mayonnaise (from Doug), Sailor Mars, a GOT spin on Where's Waldo (Walda Frey-Bolton) and a stewardess from the Fifth Element.

So yeah, I'll see how that goes, especially once I start making my dress for my current costume. I'm considering going to a con in September and competing so hopefully evertyhing will work out.

Also I've finally been reading more and even have gotten into a comic book series (Fables) so it's nice to do what I love.

In other first world problems news, I currently can't decide between paying for season 5 of Archer or to wait for it to show up on Netflix. haha Such is my life.

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