Yes, I felt the need to use a Poltergeist quote to show my excitement that my shows are coming on. Despite not wanting Grey's to still be on the air, they always find a way to keep me hooked and still watching. I mean, I recently watched the entire series and the bomb episode, prom episode and the shooting episode were some of the most profound things I have ever seen. This last mid-season finale had me hooked since I love Jackson and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" gets me every time. haha
I still don't like the interns except for Jo but hopefully their writing will get better since they're forcing us to care about them like we did with Meredith and Christina. I wish that the show would end when Sandra Oh left since I feel that she and Ellen are the heart of the show. I really would have liked the show to go off on a high note. Sometimes I worry that Shonda Rhimes is saving her best work for Scandal, but who knows. I'll probably watch it to the very end, anyway.

Scandal is seriously one of my favorite shows right now. I grew up on watching suspense/mystery movies and shows and this fits the bill. Plus Kerry Washington is fabulous. I remember when I watched the pilot episode I couldn't get enough. The entire cast has fantastic chemistry (a la House of Cards) and they command every single line. Despite being a fangirl, I'm not a shipper (a fangirl who wants certain characters of a show to get together), but I LOVE Olivia and Fitz. I mean they are true soul-mates and the music that plays in the background when they are together and on the phone is super heartbreaking and melancholy and but has hints of their love.
I can't wait for these to come on tonight and I will definitely post my review of these and the other few shows I watched this week on Saturday
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