Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Video Game Madness

Video Games have always been an important part of my life. Although  when I was growing up, it wasn't too common for there to be gamer girls.That's all I grew up around since both of my older sisters loved playing games. I remember playing Super Mario World and A Link to the Past on my Super Nintendo and how much I loved getting lost in the graphics of Jak and Daxter, or the awesome Disney mash-up of Kingdom Hearts.

In the last year, I have become a more active gamer instead of just watching (and not-so-secretly judging). Right now I personally just have a Nintendo 3DS, but I also have access to an Xbox 360 and a PS4 through my boyfriend (a huge gamer). I've played games like New Super Mario Bros. II, Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Pokemon X.  I'm also in the middle of playing The Walking Dead: Season One, Mass Effect and The Wolf Among Us, to name a few. I'm even going to a gaming convention in April. It'll be my second convention so I'm really excited to see the people and all of the game stuff that will be there.

On Wednesdays, I want to talk about news in the video game world and what games I'm currently playing/ what I'm looking forward to. One of the bigger things that I have been doing lately has been watching "Let's Plays", where someone records their self playing a game and then posting it on YouTube. I love these because they allow me to yell at them (at the screen) when they do something wrong without hurting anyone's feelings (I'm a pretty intense backseat gamer.) I've watched all of the Sly Cooper series, Jak and Daxter series, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario 3D World, and a bunch of Zelda.

One game that's been getting a lot of buzz lately is South Park: The Stick of Truth. I normally don't like stuff like this but the game looks really well made and like you're actually playing the TV show. I don't think it'll get game of the year or anything, but I think it will give people something fun to play until other big releases come out later this year.

Games I'm Excited for: 
  1. Kingdom Hearts III 
  2. Watchdogs
  3. Wolf Among Us (Episodes 3-5)
  4. The Telltale Game of Thrones game
Two of these games don't even have release dates\and the other two are set to release this year but don't have a set time. Now that I'm more into gaming I fully plan on buying a Ps3 sometime and trying again to finish Kingdom Hearts (I quit before the last so I can be ready when they finally announce it.

I'll try to play some more this weekend but I have a 10 page paper, a final exam and the Oscar's to worry about. I'm sure I'll still end up playing 5 hours of Crusader Kings(the Game of Thrones mod).

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