Monday, May 5, 2014

Game of Thrones 4x05 Recap: Out of the Frying Pan...

Episode 5: First of His Name

Lannisters- Long Live the King Tommen I! It starts with Cersei tentatively making nice with Margaery but something does seem off. Either way Cersei and Twin realize that the Tyrells money is the best option for their money situation, as Robert left them in severe debt. Tywin still believes that Cersei is going to marry Loras which is pretty fun (aka not gonna happen), so it will be interesting to see how it all goes down. I guess the writers decided to tone down Cersei's crazy before she goes completely crazy (presumably) for Tyrion's trial. Either way the next few episodes should have at least one more wedding and maybe a funeral if Cersei gets her way.

Dany- She's finally learning that she can just up-end a 1000+ year culture of slavery without consequences as she has learned her way of destroying a city and setting up something, then leaving is not working for Slaver's Bay. This combined with Jorah's council convince her to stay put in Meereen and become a ruler instead of a conqueror queen. Did anyone notice that it only took 3 episodes for Jorah to hear about Joffrey? Seems pretty convenient even though it should definitely take longer since Meereen's location from Westeros is equivalent to India from Great Britain, but maybe the news spread quickly along the trade routes?

At the Eyrie- Poor Sansa, she escapes from the Lannisters only to have to deal with her unhinged cousin and aunt (which she will now be forced to marry). Littlefinger seems equally unhappy with his situation and seems to only be with Lysa for her power. More trouble is brewing for sure as Lysa's jealousy will only grow. It was nice to see Sansa let her guard down for a little bit with lemoncakes before Lysa manhandled her.

Arya- Still on her adventure with the Hound which serve as some of the more brighter moments of the episode. Not sure why Arya still has the Hound on her list, but hopefully that will change over time. I did enjoy the shout-out to Syrio Forel, who I still believe is alive.I do hope that Arya is learning from the Hound, as though his methods are harsh, he is trying to keep her alive.

Craster's Keep- Bran and the gang are locked up at Craster's though its unknown what the mutineers endgame would be (other than assaulting Meera). Jojen does his "I see the future" thing and then the Night's Watch come and quickly take down the mutineers. Locke finally shows his true colors but Bran bests him by warging (skinchanging) into Hodor who goes all Beast Mode on Locke's neck. I do feel back for poor Hodor who now has to deal with the fact that he was forced to kill someone. Bran at least remembers to rescue his dog before he decides to not reunite with Jon as his drive to meet the 3-eyed crow is too great for him. So it's sad that there was no official Stark reunion but at least the Direwolves got to see each other again (Summer and Ghost).

FanGirl Rating: 3/5 Stars. It had some good moments but all of the deviations from the books meant that the writers had to resolve a lot of stuff. I wish that instead of making stuff up, they just show small glimpses of characters every few episodes. I did have some laughs with all of the Eyrie stuff and am getting excited for whats to come but the information dump was a little much for this episode.

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