Monday, May 19, 2014

Game of Thrones Recap 4x07: Snowcastles in the Snow

This week's episode covers my recap and thoughts on the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Just as a reminder, the show will be off the air next week due to the Memorial Day holiday, but will return with episode 8's The Mountain and the Viper.

Episode 7: Mockingbird

King's Landing: The episode opened with Jaime and Tyrion  talking about the trial by combat. It was nice seeing the brothers interact again although there was a heavy feeling of doom surrounding Tyrion, as Jaime was hesitant to tell him about Bronn and the Mountain (the latter being Cersei's champion). Bronn does come to Tyrion later and tells him straight up that he got a better offer and that he is choosing his life. Despite his (kind-off) betrayal, you can't really fault Bronn for his reasoning.

Somewhere in the Riverlands: The Hound and Arya are traveling and come across a burnt home and a man dying from a very painful stomach wound. After discussing with Arya about life and living, the Hound gives him water and then mercy kills him. Right then, he gets jumped and bitten by a man who he soon kills. Arya gets another kill (Rorge) and they learn that the Hound has a giant price on his head. Later as the Hound is trying to clean/dress his wound, Arya attempts to help him and he lashes out due to his fear of fire. And just like with Sansa, he opens up, albeit in a different way, about how Gregor destroyed his face and his family.  

Brienne and Pod are at the Inn at the Crossroads (I think) taking a well-deserved rest from sleeping on the hard ground. There we get a surprise cameo from Hot Pie who is still as into food as ever and many funny scenes occur. I'm not sure where they are going with more than just the Hound knowing that Arya is still alive (that wasn't in the books). I guess it will be setting up for something interesting at the Vale, since everyone will be converging there soon (but who knows?). 

At the Wall: No one is taking Jon seriously and they're making him lock up Ghost (wouldn't you want a giant killer wolf to aid against the wildings?). Basically, they are treating Jon as the boy who cried wolf so I can only guess that things are only gonna go south for the Night's Watch.

Meereen: Dany hooks up with Daario but then assures Jorah that she doesn't trust him and is sending him to treat with the new power of Astapor. The show is doing a good job of Dany showing hher zealot-like, black and white thinking and how Jorah and Barristan are needed to reel her in, lest she create too many enemies. Hopefully we hear more about what is going on with the dragons since they are getting fairly big.

Dragonstone: Directly following the naked Meereen stuff, we have Selyse walking in on Melisandre taking a bath for a very long and uncomfortable scene. From the conversation, we can gather that they are finally leaving Dragonstone and that Shireen is important. Anyone else worried since she has King's Blood?

The Eyrie: The episode concludes Sansa-centric, as we get a glimpse into her new life in the Eyrie. It seems pretty lonely, especially since she only has creepy Baelish, petulant Robin and cray-cray Lysa to deal with. It was great to see Sansa light up when she saw it was snowing and then having her build the entirety of Winterfell from her memory. This is an amazing scene from the books, so I'm glad they kept it (although there were changes). Book Sansa would never slap anyone, but I am glad we are seeing her take some control and not just let people say and do what ever they want in front of her. The kiss with Baelish was a uncomfortable as I imagined it would be and Lysa's reaction was absolutely intense. Now we have to wait two weeks to see the fall out and how everyone recovers.

FanGirl Rating: 3.5 Stars. It was a solid set-up episode, but I honestly preferred the depictions in the books for certain scenes. Not too much happened but I do feel like the quality keeps going up, which makes me hopeful for the final three episodes.

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