Monday, May 12, 2014

Game of Thrones 4x06 Recap: Judgement Day

Welcome to my installment of Game of Thrones recap! As a rule, I don't spoil past the contents of the show, but I do discuss changes from the books and how they could potentially affect the story. Because of how the episode went, I'm dividing up my recap by region.

Episode 6: The Laws of Gods and Men

Braavos: Stannis and Davos came to this famed city to treat with the mysterious Iron Bank to receive support. While at first they get declined, the point gets made that once Tywin Lannister dies, the Iron Throne falls into uncertain hands. Seriously without Davos, Stannis would be completely lost. We also get another glimpse at Sallador Saan and get to see the friendship between him and Davos. We're left seeing the pirates (at least this one) joining the side of the "rightful" king.

The Dreadfort: We finally see Yara (Asha) follow-up on her promise to rescue her brother. Of course it doesn't go as planned as she can finally see that shell of a person her brother has now become. More disturbingly is the fact that not only does Reek/Theon regularly get tortured, he also has to sleep in the kennels with the dogs. This begs the idea that Reek has now become a pet of source to Ramsay, with him even showing a kind moment in bathing him as a reward for his "loyalty" (more like Stockholm Syndrome). Serious props to Alfie Allen for his amazing character growth (or regression in this sense), as he's now playing a completely different character with such realness.

Meereen: No good deed goes unpunished and that is certainly happening with Dany as she starts to settle into the difficulties associated with ruling. Not only does she has to hear of troubling news from her dragons, but she also has to deal with moral dilemmas stemming from her "justice. I'm sure we'll probably see more of this Hizdahr person, since we've now seen him a couple of episodes now.

King's Landing:- Tyrion's trial becomes the talk of the town and ends up being the highlight of the episode. The trial pretty much goes as much as expected, which is to say it is a farce, but with the huge surprise of Shae betraying Tyrion and falsely testifying against him. Tyrion, despite initially considering asking for mercy, angrily decides to ask for a trial by combat after seeing Shae. The acting in this scene was great and all of the characters from Cersei to Tywin to Shae and of course, Tyrion. As an aside, I really hope we get to know more about Varys, since he alluded to his main goal being the Iron Throne. Also his obviously regretful tone when it came to testifying against Tyrion was hard to watch.

FanGirl Rating: 4/5 Stars. This was a solid episode, despite the weaker Dreadfort scenes in the fact that its made-up to reinforce the "relationship" and progress Theon's story. I'm not sure where the whole Iron Bank thing is going either since that goes into the 5th book, but I don't like all of the additions for additions sake. But obviously the trial was on point, and its unfortunate that we can't see the trial by combat until June 1st, but I cannot wait to see what happens to Tyrion.

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