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"Ser Gregor Clegane, Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, Ser Illyn, Ser Meryn, Queen Cersei. Valar Morghulis"
A very spirited girl, Arya is very independent and not interested in anything involving being a lady. Compared to her aunt Lyanna, Arya pursues swordfighting unlike her sister Sansa, who takes more after their mother. The youngest daughter of Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully, Arya feels like an outcast for her interests and rejection of normal expecation and with that feels a kindred spirit with her half-brother Jon Snow. Throughout Arya's journey she shows her resillence and her strength despite all of the odds against her, which truly shows her mettle.
Her idyllic life ends when her father accepts the position of Hand of the King and she heads down to King's Landing along with her sister. Her playfighting with the butcher's boy, Mycah leads to his death after a confrontation with Joffrey and Sansa. Arya is also forced to leave her beloved direwolf Nymeria behind in the Riverlands as to save her life. This further ruptures the relationship between the two sisters as Arya turns away from the Baratheon/Lannisters and Sansa embraces it, not knowing their true intentions. During her life in King's Landing she receives training from Syrio Forel as her father realization her desires. She uses these skills to save herself and escape from the city after her father gets captured. She is present at her father's execution, which leads her to start creating her revenge kill-list that persists through the seasons.
She is then smuggled out of the city and disguised as a boy so she can make it back to the North to her mother and brothers, but they get intercepted, captured and taken to Harrenhal. She spends most of her time making friends with Gendry (a secret bastard of Roberts) and Hot Pie who stay with her for her journey through season 2 and 3 before separating at different points. She also comes into contact with and saves Jaqen H'ghar, who turns out to be a Faceless Man who gives her 3 deaths in return. She tests this by killing off undesirables at Harenhal before tricking Jaqen into killing more people to let her escape from the castle, which he does. Once her identity becomes known amongst he BWB, she becomes an asset as a negotiation tool for her brother and mother, but then gets taken by the Hound so he can get all of the money for himself instead of the Brotherhood without Banners. She ends up feet away from reuniting with her family at the Twins but unfortunately this occured during the Red Wedding. So again, she witnesses the death of more family members.
The show leaves off with her feeling truly alone in the world as she is far from Jon and assumes the rest of her family is dead. The next step would probably show her trying to enact some of her revenge killings and figure out a safe place to be since she is still wanted by the Iron Throne to serve as a negotiation tool/hostage. She is one of my favorite characters because of her spirit and drive and her will to keep living, which can be difficult with the destruction of her family. I hope that through all of experiences, she will eventually come to a place where she can forgive her sister and come to a place of understanding with her. She is still a young character, so her growth will be something to watch as she is now forced to take a different path than the life she was trained for.
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