Monday, March 3, 2014

Meltdown Mondays

I'm trying to make the best of this lovely snow day that I have off from work. I was so exhausted from staying up to watch the Oscar's and then blogging, the only thing I could do was hope that everything would close today. My main goals for today will probably be watching some movies, napping (sleep is my number 1) and finally finishing my Technology classwork.

So I finally finished my 10 page paper yesterday. My final exam got pushed to midnight tonight so I probably won't even attempt to start it until this evening (typical). It's like every time I get close finishing something (like a class), I lose most of my motivation.

Although I enjoyed writing about my favorite movies, I realized that I gave myself a really tight deadline (less than a week to discuss 7 movies) and with that coupled with the end of my class, it made me have to write 2 or 3 things a day on that subject. So I'll probably keep those features to once a month for my sanity and so I don't run out of things to talk about (ha, like that'll ever happen). I consolidated all of those blogs into a separate page so they can be more easily found here.

Next up will be another huge undertaking but I am giving myself enough time to do it. In the next couple of days I plan on coming out with my Game of Thrones feature titled, Month of Thrones/March Through Westeros, in which I delve into the main houses (families) of the show and discuss where they've been and where they go from the end of season 3. So obviously there will be spoilers up to the end of season three. Note that I will be discussing up to the Red Wedding in Book 3 (with the exception of spoilers from further on in the book that the show decided to put off).

These blogs will be part information and the rest my analysis. I'll try to break things down for the Unsullied (non-book readers) because even I get confused with all of the names, places and people so I can't imagine what you guys go through. I will also create a separate page for it to make things easier to find as this will encompassing the rest of this month leading up to the April 6th premiere, so I hope you all enjoy!

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