Some announcements:
-Month of Thrones is still ongoing and even more interesting characters are coming up so stay tuned. -This also means that Game of thrones is mere weeks away and I am really excited to watch and re-experience the show
-I made a Facebook page here so be sure to like and share. Also add anything interesting that you would like me to talk about. Anything that goes viral or anything like that is fair game for discussion.
-I will be posting interesting news and my blogs there
-I will be starting up something I will call "Cultural Phenomena", where I discuss how and possibly why certain things exploded into fandoms (like Lost, Breaking Bad, The X-Files) and become ingrained in popular culture.
Now on to my obsession for the week.. Lost
"If we can't live together, then we're going to die alone." -- Jack Shephard
I'm bringing up this show since the cast have recently been doing press and conventions honoring the 10 year anniversary of when the show first aired. This show was an amazing ride over the six years that it was on and the final minutes of the finale still can get me choked up. But going back 10 years ago, I was in high school and was really big into watching Smallville at the time (I think it was on its second or third season). Once I saw the pilot of Lost, I stopped watching that and never looked back (they came on at the same time and I didn't have DVR). There was just something magical about the show that kept me hooked and looking for theories and explanations for that incredible world. Another funny thing about this show was that I really only got in it initially because I saw that Merry-Dominic Monaghan was in it and I was still
I can't name all of my favorite episodes (there's too many) but some are the Pilot, Walkabout, Man of Science/Man of Faith, and Through the Looking Glass to name a few. During and after the show, I couldn't wait to discuss what was going on in the show to try to better understand. It was one of the few shows that my entire family would watch and enjoy. My sister got me hooked on the Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack, which began my obsession with podcasts and moved more securely into the Lost fandom.
The best thing about lost was that it had everything from funny moments with Hurley (also wit from Sawyer), serious moments from Jack and literally everything in between. The music was an aid to the show and had just the right amount of power to really convey emotions and feelings about the character or a situation or to heighten the suspense. Fantastic characters and a generally great plot had me completely hooked. I never got bored because the characters were so complex and they were always growing and changing as the show moved on.
Some of my favorite characters were Hurley, Sawyer Kate, Charlie, John, Desmond and Jack. The fact that this list of characters is long is because there were so many great moments from each of these characters like Charlie writing "Not Penny's Boat" and discovering Desmond's horrible life in the quarantine area and Hurley's stoke of bad luck are just a few things about these characters that always kept me coming back.
I would honestly say that Lost was one of the best shows on Network television and probably up in the top 10 of greatest shows ever. For better or worse, it always got people talking and became a huge part of popular culture as a result. All this talk of Lost is making me want to do a re-watch (which I may do this year).
What are your favorite episodes and characters of the show?
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