One of the newest shows this season that I've been obsessed with the Blacklist. James Spader is such a phenomenal actor that he completely makes the show. The show still isn't answering what the connection Red has to Liz, but I think it is a lot more complex than many people are guessing. This week's episode was super interesting, since we learned some insight into both Red and Liz. I think that although they said they were lying, I think there were grains of truth to their stories. Liz is interesting since her record is clean and no one really knows anything about her or her past. I still think her husband is shady but I guess we'll find out more later. I wasn't too into the "Blacklist" plot, but it was cool to see Liz play the bad guy. Plus I like her budding friendship with Ressler.

Face Off is another show I've been really into lately. It has the transformations that I've loved from America's Next Top Model and the creativity of Project Runway, without the drama. This people are true artists that can truly transform people. This week was particularly awesome since the cast got to make wizards based off of a wand that they picked.My favorite makeup this week was the tree/nature wizard. I think that a lot of the cast took the competition to another level.
For Grey's Anatomy, I really enjoyed how the show was brought back. I still don't care about Shane, but I like pretty much everyone else. I was happy that April and Jackson ran off together (and eloped!) even though the show misled us initially. I'm happy that Christina and Meredith are working on their relationship again. I do think that the new rule of 'no fraternization' will be interesting for the show, since that is basically where it started (Meredith + McDreamy). I'm trying to like Arizona again but poor Callie, having two of her spouses having cheated on her. I hope she gets a nicer storyline this have.
Ah, Scandal, how I love you so. They have set a lot of things up, like with Mellie and the new VP and the conspiracy with the death of the VP's husband. I love watching Cyrus' interaction with his husband and with Mellie. Fitz and Olivia are always super complicated and I'm hoping they'll find ways to keep their story fresh. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the whole Sally Langston drama. It should be an interesting 5 or 6 more weeks.
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