Some announcements:
-My character/region bios for my Month if Thrones series have finished so tomorrow I'm doing a look at Season Three and all of next week will consist of some news roundup and some essays covering interesting topics in the series
-I will be starting a Geek Cooking page, where I attempt to cook things out of recipes made for Game of Thrones and Star Wars type cookbooks, so that should be an interesting adventure.
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This show is something that I got into recently this past summer. I had heard so much about it and it was on Amazon Prime so I figured I would start watching it. I started with the new Who (episodes starting in 2005) since I felt a little overwhelmed by the numerous older series. I was intrigued by the concept and was taken in my the seriousness of some of the topics. What separates is this show are its aspects of realism despite having a science-fiction setting. Instead of most shows, people could and would die as a result of the consequences during the episode, which showed that the Doctor couldn't always save everybody, which affected him. This is what took the show from something cookie-cutter, where everyone lives despite the dangerous situations and breaches topics like humanity and sacrifice, which I love.
There were so many episodes that I loved and also some that made me emotional (mainly due to the Doctor and his companions). There are also so many cameos from other British actors (many from Game of Thrones) so it always kept me entertained. Although I obviously have to suspend belief with all of the Timey-Wimey stuff, but that still doesn't affects my interest in the show. One of the best ones in the first season have a ton of continuity which I appreciate. Some of my favorite episodes were The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, but I pretty much enjoyed most episodes from the new Who series.
I made it through all seven seasons in a fairly quick amount of time, so it was safe to say that I was hooked. I watched the 50th anniversary special and the Christmas special in real time. it was fun to be officially a part of the fandom and hype. I can't wait to see how the new Doctor acts and where his story will take him.I would love to go to the Doctor Who convention Gallifrey One, but it's held in California so it would be really expensive for me to travel from the East Coast so I'll stick to looking at videos on YouTube for now. I currently have a T.A.R.D.I.S onesie and a matching robe, so DW is for sure becoming one of my favorite fandoms. I do recommend that if Docotor Who comes off as too family-friendly, its spin-off Torchwood is a fantastic adult sci-fi series.
I do realize that i need to watch Old Who to compare and see if the Doctor not having any romantic entanglements enhances the story (which I heard it does). This also is on Amazon Prime so I will eventually get around to watching those. Amongst the criticism, I love the acting and the unique stories that the show always come up with. The next season will be the first one that I watch live, so I can't wait to experience a normal pace of the show and all of the theories and speculations that come with it.
Wow.. this is cool.. I've never seen this move yet.. might search for it on torrent sites. hihihihihihi :3