First up, I will discuss the creatures that are found in this world and they impact they have had on specific families or regions. I will be discussing up to the end of Season 3 and around that part in the book, "A Storm of Swords".
Description: An extremely large wolf that can grow to the size of a pony. They have the same qualities of the wolf like being social animals and being in packs and the ability to be warged. They are very loyal and seem to take on the traits of those taking care of them (at least in the case of the Starks).
Location: Before the beginning of the show/book they had not been seen south of the wall in over 200 years, so it's presumed they are prevalent in the northern regions.
Current Numbers: Few, it seems they may have been hunted out of existence. There are still 4 Stark Direwolves remaining: Ghost with Jon at the Wall, Nymeria somewhere in the Riverlands, Summer with Bran on his journey to the three-eyed-crow, and Shaggydog with Rickon, whereabouts unknown but likely still in the North.
Association (if any): They are not only represented as the sigil for House Stark, but are known to have had strong relationships with the Stark Kings of the North. May have even been buried with some of their owners as they are depicted with them in statues in the crypts at Winterfell.
Description: A male deer
Location: All throughout Westeros (with the exception of Dorne).
Current Numbers: Numerous
Association (if any): They represent the sigil of House Baratheon which originally came from the Storm Kings (original rulers of the Stormlands)
Description: Mythical giant squids that are said to be attracted to the blood and destruction that comes with ship battles. Recent rumor is that one attacked a trading ship off the coast of The Vale.
Location: Unknown but recent rumor is that one attacked a trading ship off the coast of The Vale.
Current Numbers: Unknown as they are considered a myth.
Association (if any): The represent the sigils of both House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands and House Celtigar of Claw Isle (located in the Crownlands)
Description: Similar to real-life lion
Location: They were known to live in the western hills (The Westerlands)
Current Numbers: Widely extinct in the last 50+ years from the start of the show/books
Association (if any): They represent the sigil of House Lannister
DragonDescription: Magical reptilian fire-breathing creatures (that can fly).
Location: Originated from the volcanoes in Valyria. Currently the only known dragons are with Daenerys Targaryen around Astapor (Slaver's Bay).
Current Numbers: 3 (Rhaegal, Viserion and Drogon) but there are rumors of dragons in the Far East in the Asshai (the Shadowlands). Most were killed 100 prior to the start of the book/show due to an event call "The Doom" (most likely a large volcanic explosion, a la Krakatoa or Vesuvius) .
Association (if any): Were first tamed by the Valyrians and then after the Doom, the Targaryens (lesser nobles) were the sole owners of Dragons in the known world.
Description- A horse-like animal with a large horn on its head. In this world, they are known to be shaggy.
Location: Skagos (an island of the coast of The North)
Current Numbers: Unknown, but if its true that they are used for war purposes they may be fairly numerous on this island.
Association (if any): Various houses in Skagos.
Description- Large birds (either black or white) with high intelligence. Used to carry messages between castles. The white ones spread messages of the change in season.
Location-Throughout the entirety of the continent
Current Numbers- Numerous
Association (if any) Maesters of the Citadel (Oldtown-The Reach)
Other animals in existence: Zorses (zebra/horse), Mammoths and Snow Bears (polar bears)
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