Monday, March 10, 2014

Theon Greyjoy

"It's better to be cruel than weak"
As the current heir to the Iron Islands, Theon Greyjoy is more of an unconventional character in the terms of this story. At the age of 10, his father started a rebellion against the Rule of King Robert, which ended in defeat and cause the death of his two older brothers (Rodrik and Maron) and Theon himself being turned into a hostage to ensure Balon's good behavior. Over the next 8 years, Theon was raised by the Starks and given the same opportunities and education as the other children. His closest relationship is with Robb, who he becomes a close battle companion during the War of Five Kings.
The turning point in his story comes when he is sent by Robb to treat with his father in order to gain an advantage in the war by using the Greyjoy Fleet to split up/distract the Lannister forces. Instead, Theon decides to join his family to try to gain their respect as a legitmate member of the family, instead of being a "Stark". He's uses his minor position to try to get glory by capturing Winterfell for himself, going against orders. After completing his coup he then took Bran and Rickon as hostages but soon loses them (and then killing two boys in their place). Despite having Winterfell, the looming threat of Bolton forces causes the ironborn to give Theon up and go back to Pyke, rather than lose their lives.
Theon then spends the all of "Storm of Swords" and Season 3 as the tortured prisoner (pet) of Ramsay Snow (son of Roose Bolton, who participated in the Red Wedding). Most of this storyline sees Theon losing his identity amidst the torture and endless pain being inflicted by the sadist and becoming Reek. Although he now appears to be a minor character, he serves as an important POV now in the North. As Ramsay's pet, he is privy to many conversations and events that will give the show viewers an interesting perspective of what is going on in the North with the Starks gone and winter coming. Watching his drastic transformation from cocky to meek and beaten will keep his story interesting, along with the (hopeful) promise of Theon regaining his identity and breaking free of the Bolton's.

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