"Snakes..Why did it have to be Snakes!"
I've been watching this movie at least from the age of 6, if not earlier. I love this movie and do get enjoyment from the other ones in the series (I just like to forget that the 4th one existed. Really, Aliens? C'mon). When I was younger living in Germany on the American post, the soldiers would march around the area. The older kids convinced me (during watching this movie) that those soldiers were Nazis and they were coming to get me. Looking back, I just don't understand how that illogical thinking was ever allowed to manifest.
Anyway, this is such a great adventure moment, and has so many iconic moments. I'm pretty sure this is the reason for my love of Tomb Raider. Its great how the story moves from different locations as it really feels like you are going on the adventure with Indiana. I like that stories like these take real-life objections and puts a semi-fictional spin on them (a la the Da Vinci Code) to make it really unique and interesting. The story of Jones trying to find the Ark takes him all over the world and also throws in some interesting history (like about the Egyptians), which I love.
There are some other great secondary characters like Sallah played by John Rhys-Davies (Gimli/Treebeard) who is an awesome friend to Indy, which makes you think who they became friends in the first place. Marion Ravenwood is another strong and interesting character. I honestly feel that there could be a movie made based on previous adventures with these characters.
This movie also has some great bad guys and gives them some pretty awesome deaths. In fact, I used to be terrified at the very end when the spirits come out of the sand and murder everyone. I was probably a little to young to watch this movie but this is coming from the same person who watched Jurassic Park every day when I was five.
FanGirl Rating: 5/5 I will watch this movie every time it is on no matter when it starts. The locations are beautiful, the characters are iconic and the entire package leaves you wanting more.
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