Monday, April 28, 2014

Game of Thrones 4x04 Recap: Book Spoilers?

Episode 4: Oathkeeper

Dany- She swiftly enacts her assualt on Meereen that leaves the city intact with the aid of Grey Worm (who seems to have a burgeoning romance with Missandei as they bond over their past slavery). With her fighting "injustice with justice" she further proceeds to crucify 163 slave masters as punishment for the crucifixation of the 163 slaves that Dany found along the way. That scene with the Targaryen banner covering up the Harpy was pretty awesome, so I'm actually excited for Dany's character.

Lannisters- Jaime continues practicing with Bronn and then goes off to visit Tyrion in the Black Cells. We then get to see the brothers interact together again discussing the murder and Cersei. Jaime offers to help Tyrion but can't seem to come up with a productive solution. Cersei is still descending into madness/alcoholism as she continues to rail on Jaime about Tyrion's guilt. No resolution on the scene last week, so I guess she's okay? Still it sucks that everytime I saw Jaime I thought of a crazed rapist. We get a little bit more from Tommen this week, which is nice since Tommen is such a sweet kid. They aged him up for the show to have Margaery's overtures not  seem predatory but I do like how they still kept in his love of his cats (Ser Pounce).

Tyrells- We finally learn that Olenna was the person who colluded with Baelish to have Joffrey killed. Between this and the ancetdoe that she gives, she really earns her "Queen of Thorns" title. Surprisingly, Margaery didn't know about the plot but is happy to start working on her relationship with Tommen, since they are due to be married. It'll be interesting to see how she manipulates Tommen, since with Joffrey all she had to due was feign interest in harming others/using weapons.

Sansa- She finds out her unintentional role in the death of Joffrey via her necklace and still is getting creeped on my Baelish. I feel like her story is still ramping up so I hope she can really start taking control of her situation.

Night's Watch- Locke joins up with the Watch under a false story to presumably get close to Jon to learn the location of Bran. Jon's rivarly with Alliser Thorne continues as the Watch tries to figure out how to deal with all of their problems. The plan is set for Jon and volunteers (including Locke) to go out and capture or kill the mutineers at Craster's Keep. This wasn't in the book so I'm not sure what to think about. I guess it is a way to get Bran and Jon close to another and have Bran face some danger that will keep his story relevant.

For some reason, these last few epsiodes haven't been really catching to me. They feel like filler for bigger and better things to come. Plus with all of the changes and the possible book spoilers with the Others/White Walkers I'm getting a little nervous as the show already seems to be moving leaps and bounds.

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